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FFXIV Resources / pld_resources
[no ping] nikroulah 11-Jan-23 12:55 PM
Guides Guides are still in progress, check back in a couple of days Basic video guide by @Hint but zoomer Tank Gear Manager A tool for building and simulating sets XIVAnalysis FFLogs self-improvement tool Level 90 Mitigation Cheatsheet
*Order of GCDs during burst windows is flexible (edited)
Alternative looping rotations These rotations drop Atonements or hardcast Holy Spirits to force a 1- or 2-minute loop. These are harder to learn and adjust, and there is practically 0 difference in DPS performance, but they can be situationally useful in encounter optimization.
1-min loop: 2-min loop (2.50 GCD only): 📖 How to read: Execute the first line once, then keep repeating the entire loop section.
🇶 Which rotation should I use? 🇦 The damage between each is almost exactly the same. The standard rotation (infographic embedded above) is recommended over the looping rotations due to ease of learning, but you can pick whichever one you prefer.
🇶 Why no hs Holy Spirit during reqbuff Requiescat? 🇦 Holy Spirit consumes Requiescat stacks, as do the conffaithtruthvalor Confiteor combo actions. The Confiteor combo actions are barely worth using with no Requiescat buff
🇶 Why is hardcast hs Holy Spirit not really 350 potency? 🇦 PLD auto-attacks are normalized to 90p every 3s, so with a 1 second cast time (1.5s tooltip cast time minus 0.5s slidecast window), auto-attacks are delayed by 1 second every hardcast. On average, hardcast Holy Spirit is equivalent to 320 potency. See !faq castauto in #bot_spam for more info.
🇶 What GCD speed should I use? 🇦 2.50 is ideal (see the Best-in-slot section)
🇶 How do I play with a faster GCD speed? 🇦 Weave fof Fight or Flight late in the GCD like so: lateweave
🇶 Why don't we want 9 GCDs in fof Fight or Flight? It's free potency. 🇦 You need to give up damaging substats to get a faster GCD, so it's not free. Plus, a significant portion of Paladin's rotation is made up of spells, which aren't affected by Skill Speed At slow speeds like 2.48, it's possible to get 9 GCDs in FoF by clipping your GCD every minute, but the performance is identical to 2.50 and is infeasible unless you have <10ms ping At faster speeds like 2.40-2.45, you need to add an extra GCD every minute, which causes oGCDs and buff windows to drift significantly At even faster speeds (<2.40), you're giving up so many damaging substats to get an additional filler GCD and reduce drift by a tiny amount, it is never worth it.
🇶 I have very high latency (100+ ms), what speed should I play? 🇦 Getting 9 GCDs in Fight or Flight is highly execution and latency dependent, on top of being worse than 2.50 in almost all cases. Use 2.50 and avoid double weaving.
🇶 Spell Speed? 🇦 Spell Speed affects even less of the rotation than Skill Speed does
🇶 How does Paladin stack up in 6.3? 🇦 On an infinite simulation (aka worst case killtime, not suitable for any meaningful comparisons) it's ~3% worse. The stronger burst has made it so that it's likely the same or better than 6.2 Paladin in real encounters. It's about on par with WAR
🇶 Should I use req Requiescat before or after fof Fight or Flight? 🇦 Requiescat does a decent chunk of damage and FoF buffs all damage. Use Requiescat inside of Fight or Flight
🇶 How do I recover the rotation if I lose uptime or make a mistake? 🇦 6.3 Paladin is easier to recover than ever. - With the standard rotation, as long as your fof Fight or Flight, goring Goring Blade, and req Requiescat cooldowns remain together, you can continue with the rotation as if nothing happened. - With looping rotations, you can either add filler hs Holy Spirits, drop atone Atonements, or give up on the loop and switch to the priority based rotation. The exact number of fillers you need to add or remove is situation-dependent and requires both experience and a thorough understanding of the rotation.
Refer to !faq stattiering in #bot_spam for an explanation of stat tiers, and use the Tank Gear Manager ( to compare the effectiveness of gear and melds. 1️⃣ Physical Damage (weapon only) blank· significantly affects all damage dealt blank· always proportional to item level blank· cannot be melded 2️⃣ Strength blank· affects all damage dealt blank· always proportional to item level blank· cannot be melded 3️⃣ Critical Hit blank· affects critical chance + critical damage blank· often naturally capped on BiS gear blank· priority meld (unless number turns red) blankblank(red crit by 1 point may be acceptable) 4️⃣ Skill Speed blank· reduces physical GCD recast time blank· meld only to reach preferred GCD speed, then no more (usually this speed is 2.5, AKA 0 additional skill speed) blank· see Rotation FAQ for more info blank· #bot_spam !xivmath rspeed 2.44 blank· SkS cheatsheet: 5️⃣ Direct Hit Rate blank· affects only direct hit chance blank· meld remaining slots (filler stat) blank 6️⃣ Determination blank· sometimes used in 1-2 slots for tiering 7️⃣ Tenacity blank· rarely melded due to weak scaling (edited)
Day 1 Savage prog set(s) will be listed immediately when a new tier is released, but pre-BiS will otherwise not be maintained on this page. Use the Tank Gear Manager ( to make your own gearing decisions based on personal loot availability. Prioritizing item level over substats is encouraged while learning new encounters. Note: Early progression gear will often provide very different skill speed values from BiS. If a prog set is too fast for personal preference, it is usually best to simply play around it until better gear is available, instead of using lower item level gear to reach a preferred speed. However, if progression gear does not provide enough skill speed for personal preference, it is recommended to meld skill speed (even if significant melding is needed) because this will allow for more consistent play without sacrificing primary stats. Refer to this post in #pld_questions for crafted prog sets (PLD server role required):
Listed speeds assume food is active. Speeds are primarily chosen for personal preference, due to differences in latency and execution, although certain (typically slower) speeds may be marginally better for certain encounters in optimization. The following gearsets are for Patch 6.3 - Abyssos (Savage) and Omega Weapon (Oltimate). toppldtopshield If you have the weapon from Omega Weapon (Oltimate), use the below best-in-slot with an extra Direct Hit meld in the sword. cp 2.50 GCD — Carrot Pudding (6.2) Fast GCD Best-in-Slot sets
Not recommended as these will perform worse than the 2.50 set. Provided for completeness.
cn 2.45 GCD — Sunset Carrot Nibbles (6.2) cn 2.42 GCD — Sunset Carrot Nibbles (6.2)
6.3 Best-in-Slot for the Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate)
Add a Direct Hit meld on the weapon if you have the Ultimate weapon
*Not up to date for 6.3, simply sync your i630 2.50 BiS with the i535 relic allocated into crit > det > ten for simplicity Example set for The Epic of Alexander in patch 6.1 using i535 relic (remove a total of 6 critical hit if using i515 relic instead). These relic weapons are the most important items for Ultimate BiS, but are not required to simply clear the content. pp 2.40 GCD — Pumpkin Potage (6.1) (The Epic of Alexander) Note that many other viable gear combinations exist, depending on personal gear availability and preferred GCD speed. The Tank Gear Manager ( may be used to make your own gearing decisions based on your own needs.
*Not up to date for 6.3, simply sync your i630 2.50 BiS with the i535 relic allocated into crit > det > ten for simplicity Compatibility set for both The Unending Coil of Bahamut and The Weapon's Refrain in patch 6.08 using i535 relic (remove a total of 6 determination if using i515 relic instead). These relic weapons are the most important items for Ultimate BiS, but are not required to simply clear the content. pr 2.40 GCD — Pumpkin Ratatouille (6.1) (Level 70 Ultimates)
pld Party Utility
Click for explanations of Paladin's defensive party abilities: coverbuff Cover veilbuff Divine Veil intbuff Intervention passagebuff Passage of Arms paladin Paladin role is required to access other channels. Click here to get it.
[no ping] nikroulah 11-Jan-23 01:01 PM
pld 6.3 announcement plds Spoiler policy: MSQ and EX trial spoilers should be marked using spoiler tags (||spoiler text||) until 6.31, this includes stuff like mechanics, names, etc. The exception is in the dedicated EX trial post that will be created in #pld_encounter. plds 6.3 BiS: Best-in-slot sets for 6.3 Omega Weapon Oltimate prog will not change from what is already listed (preferred GCD speeds will be determined in the next few days) ✅ DSR BiS: Best-in-slot for the Dragonsong's Reprise (Ultimate) is not a priority at the time and will be updated with the new dungeon gear in the next 1-2 weeksRework info: As you may know, PLD is getting a significant rework in 6.3 — this channel will be updated with new information within 1-2 days. For up to date info and FAQ, see the pins in #pld_questions (if you can't see the channel, grab the correct role from #role_selection_tanks) (edited)
qwestpld 330
[no ping] nikroulah 24-Jan-23 08:03 PM
pld Resources Change Log (6.3) *this gets reposted every time I add to it plds Added 6.3 info plds Added an FAQ entry explaining why hardcast Holy Spirit is not 350 potency. This is already taken into account when we say that the 60s and 120s rotations are basically identical in terms of dps plds Updated to include information on the Standard Rotation. Info on looping rotations remains but aren't recommended to learn plds Added a note for post-ulti bis
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