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FFXIV Resources / drg_resources
Kupo Bot BOT 10-Dec-21 04:10 AM
drgs Guides & Tools
Level 90 Dragoon Text Guide - Eve Malqir Level 90 Video Guides: woops Juliacare PvP Guide - Crystalline Conflict - Eve Malqir Additional controller setup guide Dragoon Planner - Input your gear and tweak to figure out your next best upgrade piece. Tethercalc - The best tool to determine who to tether with ds at which time. (Credits to Platinum Xephera for creation) Rotation Builder - A tool built and maintained by Rubix Bob which allows you to find the average expected DPS of a rotation. XIV Analysis - A useful tool for plugging in your FFLogs parses in order to obtain a detailed breakdown of what you did wrong. DRG Skill Emote Server - In case you want the skill emotes used in these resources for use with Nitro!
drgs Dragoon Opener
The wwt Wyrmwind Thrust in the Opener only ends up under ds Dragon Sight at a GCD shorter than 2.40, so we do not consider this feasible to catch. The order of hj High Jump, gsk Geirskogul, ssd Spineshatter Dive and dfd Dragonfire Dive is occasionally shuffled around for comfort. Some encounters benefit from a different jump order. bl Battle Litany is used after our first cs Chaotic Spring to better align with party raid buffs and for future alignment concerns.The weave slot after bl Battle Litany can be used to put another oGCD on cooldown faster, however this has a big risk of missing party raid buffs. The Standard Opener will place ssd Spineshatter Dive here since it's our lowest potency oGCD and very flexible. Standard Opener Image 1st GCD Lance Charge The 1st GCD lc Lance Charge opener will result in a slight gain, since you can hold your wwt Wyrmwind Thrust at 1&5mn to catch an additional use. It is recommended that you use this opener when you are not required to use a Tincture of Strength in the opener, or if your connection allows you to weave a Tincture along with ds Dragon Sight.
drgs Rotation
Dragoons repeat a basic GCD rotation throughout a fight that depends on your level: 64-90: rtdecswtfc-rtvthtfcwt 58-63: ttdectwt-(ttvtftfc)x2 56-57: ttdect-(ttvtftfc)x2 50-55: ttdect-(ttvtft)x3 26-49: ttde-(ttvtft)x4 18-25: ttde-(ttvt)x6 Refer to the Basic Guide and Leveling Guide for more information about our rotation.
drgs Encounter tips
Please refer to the encounter pages on The Balance website for optimization tips. You can also check out the faq commands for specific fights. Use !faq drg in #bot_spam to bring up a list. #drg_encounter has threads for Extreme, Savage and Ultimate fights that can be used to discuss optimizations in these fights.
drgs Gearing & Best-in-Slot
[]( 6.2 BiS 2.50 2.46 Choosing the 2.50 set is highly recommended. It is much easier to play, more comfortable and will thus likely yield better results in practice. It is also identical to the Reaper BiS. 6.2 Crafted 2.50 General gearing tips: The highest iLvl gear available will in general be the best possible option. Current Raid > Current Tome > Trial > Crafted > Previous tier Focus on buying Tomestone pieces from the BiS first, then exchange everything else that is still below the ilvl of raid gear. Meld priority: Critical Hit > Determination >= Direct Hit > Skill Speed. Determination is optimally 237 higher than Direct Hit. (Tiering matters more than this.) Ultimate BiS: UCoB BiS UwU BiS TEA BiS DSR Relic BiS DSR Weapon BiS DSR Raid Weapon BiS Food & Pots: Carrot Pudding & Grade 7 Tincture of Strength
drgs Frequently Asked Questions
Only the most common questions will be listed here. Please refer to the FAQ section on The Balance website for a full list of questions. You can also type !faq drg in #bot_spam for a full list of commands to answer other common questions!
🇶 How do we use ls Life Surge and ssd Spineshatter Dive now?
🅰️ With the addition of Charges to these skills we now want to hold them for buff windows but don't cap on Charges. ssd Spineshatter Dive is held to use both charges during our 2mn buffs. Certain fight timings might force you to start using a charge in your 1mn window again. It is also worth holding for downtime if it saves you any amount of GCD loss that you can't prevent without it. ls Life Surge will always be used on ht Heaven's Thrust or a fifth combo hit. A wt Wheeling Thrust or fc Fang and Claw as the fifth combo hit with at least two buffs outperforms an unbuffed ht Heaven's Thrust by a small amount. (They are basically equal) After the cooldown change in 6.3, our standard life surge usage on a 2.5 GCD looks as follows: 0:09 - fc lc ds bl 0:16 - ht lc ds bl 1:05 - ht lc 1:33 - ht 2:22 - ht lc ds 3:10 - ht lc 4:06 - wt lc ds bl 4:20 - fc lc ds bl 5:15 - ht lc 6:08 - ht lc ds bl 6:12 - wt lc ds bl Here is a short list showing your ls Life Surge options
🇶 Do we still delay Life of the Dragon?
🅰️ With a 60s recast on lc Lance Charge we will ideally delay every life window. The arrangement of gsk Geirskogul and hj High Jump in the Opener remains this way forever, with every odd gsk landing immediately after lc or lcdsbl and entering Life. As such, we no longer need to think about early/late life and double life windows are a thing of the past. Because we use gsk before hj we will generate the following sequence: gsk hj md gsk hj md This makes it so life is 'delayed' because we have 2 eyes and did not go into life with the gsk, it will come back up in 30 seconds allowing us to enter life 30 seconds 'late' putting it under buffs. If a specific fight doesn't allow delayed life windows, we can swap hj and gsk in the opener. If you still need to delay life for part of the fight you can hold the md you get from hj until you use gsk.
Kupo Bot BOT 18-Jul-22 04:59 PM
What is the general priority for ds Dragon Sight?
The following image shows a general ds Dragon Sight priority, this information is based off the listed jobs' single target 0, 2, 4 and 6mn burst windows. Priority does not account for difference in player skill or gear, it is recommended to use TetherCalc after a few pulls when you're not certain. Since buffs are multiplicative, effects such as Dance Partner and Astrologian Cards can affect results. The buff does not apply to your partner's pets or summons, this causes smn SMN, mch MCH and drk DRK to be lower in priority than expected. Dragonsight Priority Infographic
Kupo Bot BOT 26-Aug-22 09:05 AM
What can I double weave?
Double weaving for dragoon actions is divided into 3 groups Group A .6s animation lock: lcdsbllsgsknaswwtmd Group B .8s animation lockhjssddfd Group C 1.5s animation lock: std A+A = Easy. (Ping ~200 is clean) A+B = Alright. (Ping ~140 is clean) B+B = Right. (Ping ~40 is clean) C+any = Impossible.
Latest Update: - Added new DSR sets to Gearing & Best-in-Slot - Added Julia's video guide to Guides & Tools - Added more detail on the Standard Opener as well as alternative 1st GCD LC Opener - Updated Dragon Sight Priority FAQ - Updated Life Surge and Spineshatter Dive FAQ
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